Theme of the Month – Autumn

Theme of the Month – Autumn

I am not wishing away the summer I promise! However all the summer weddings for Paperless Wedding are well underway, and now it is time for the final preparations for our Autumn couples. Invites are starting to go out for those late September and October weddings. I...
Theme of the Month – Dandelion

Theme of the Month – Dandelion

Happy July 1st, pinch, punch and all that!  I hope it is a good month for you all.  The weather is certainly making it look like it could be a good summer ahead.  So inspiration was needed for the theme of the month this month and it was chose while watching Frozen...
Paperless Wedding Tip – Website Only

Paperless Wedding Tip – Website Only

Have you already set your heart on a beautiful paper invitation? I don’t blame you at all, as paper invitations can be amazing and a lovely keepsake. I also love them landing through letterbox. So even though I do promote all things “Green”...
Paperless Wedding Tip – Website Only

Paperless Wedding Tip – Guestbook

I love Facebook, maybe a little too much my husband might say!  I am often posting photos and commenting.  When we set up Paperless Wedding, we knew a guestbook would be needed to allow people to leave the couple messages, or to communicate to the wider wedding group...
Paperless Wedding Tip – Photo Gallery

Paperless Wedding Tip – Photo Gallery

Our new and improved photo gallery section on the site is really cool. OK I am biased but once you have tried it I am sure you will agree.  It gives you lot more options of how to display your photos and which ones you want to make public. From this new homepage you...